Wednesday, February 20, 2013

First Post:Perseus is a blog about Greek Mythology. I pick a blog post about Perseus the son of Danae and Zeus. Acrisius lock Danae in a tower  because the Oracle of Apollo told him that the son of Danae would kill him. To prevent that from happening he lock Danae in a tower. The tower did not have any doors so she could not have any contact with anybody. The tower did have a window and Zeus snuck into the tower because he wanted Danae to be his wife. She accepted his proposal. Acrisius found out the and went up to the tower and found Danae sitting there with her baby Perseus.

Acrisius got very angry because that is exactly why he locked her in there to prevent her from having a child. He lock Danae and Perseus in a large chest and sent them out to sea. They floated to the island of Seriphos and rescued by Dictys (the brother of the king of Seriphos). Polydectes wanted Danae for his wife but she would refuse. Polydectes thought up a plan to get rid of Perseus because he always protected Danae. Polydectes pretended to marry someone else and everyone had to bring a wedding present. Perseus had no money so he could not bring any presents and Polydectes called him a lazy-good for nothing. Perseus said that he could get any gift in the world he wanted.

Polydectes told him he wanted the head of Medusa the gorgon. Perseus searched for the gorgon for days. Athena and Hermes met him while he was searching. Hermes gave Perseus
his winged sandals and sickle. The sickle Cronos used to over power his father Uranus. Athena gave Perseus a reflective shield that could protect him from Medusa's gaze. Hermes told Perseus to find the Graeae because they would tell him where the Nymphs of the North were. He found the Graeae who were three old women who owned and fought over one eye.

He stole the eye and would only give it back if the told him where the nymphs were. They told him where the nymphs were and he gave back the eye. He found the Nymphs of the North and they gave him a cap of darkness that turned him invisible when he put it on. And also a magic wallet, and told him were the Gorgon's lair was. Once he found the lair he saw that Medusa and her sister were sleeping. He went to where she slept and cut her head off. Then her sisters awoke and attacked Perseus, but escaped. On his way back home he came across Atlas who carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Perseus felt sorry for his and turned him to stone so he would not have to bare the weight any more. He also found Andromeda who was chained to a rock as a sacrifice to a sea monster. And just as the sea monster arose he turned it to stone. He took her home and asked her father King Cepheus to marry her, King Cepheus agreed. They stopped at Larisa so Perseus could compete in some games and he hit Acrisius and killed him. The Oracle of Apollo's prophecy had finally come true that Perseus would one day kill his father. When they got to Seriphos the met Dictys and he told them that Polydectes never really married Danae. He got extremely angry and went to the castle and turned Polydectes and his courtiers into stone.

Perseus and Andromeda lived long happy lives. Their descendants became kings, and he greatest was Heracles the strongest man in the world. Dionysus killed Perseus and he and Andromeda were put into the sky as constellations.

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